Bibliography – General Sustainability

IIC‘Friday, Session 16: Sustainability’2018CLICK HERE
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety‘What Is a LD50 and LC50?: OSH Answers’2017CLICK HERE
Balliana, E., Ricci Giulia., Pesce C., Zendri E.Assessing the value of green conservation for cultural heritage; positive and critical aspects for already available methodologiesInternational Journal of Conservation Science Volume 7, Special Issue 12016CLICK HERE
Brimblecombe, PeterRefining climate change threats to heritageJournal of the Institute of Conservation, Volume 37, 2014 - Issue 22014CLICK HERE
Yarsan, E., and M. Yipe‘The Important Terms of Marine Pollution “Biomarkers and Biomonitoring, Bioaccumulation, Bioconcentration, Biomagnification”’Journal of Molecular Biomarkers & Diagnosis S1: 32013CLICK HERE
Ekins, S., A.M. Clark, and A.J. Williams‘Incorporating Green Chemistry Concepts into Mobile Chemistry Applications and Their Potential Uses’ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 1, no. 1: 8-132013CLICK HERE
ECHA Europäische Chemikalienagentur (European Chemicals Agency)‘Guidance on REACH’2012CLICK HERE
EnviroSIM‘Annex: Modelling as a Tool for Wastewater Treatment Optimisation, Policy, and Planning’ACEDP Lake Tai Water Pollution Treatment Project2012CLICK HERE
International Council of Chemical Associations‘Global Product Strategy, ICCA Guidance on Chemical Risk Assessment’2011CLICK HERE
Sarah Staniforth‘Sustainability and collections’Conservation perspectives: The GCI Newsletter, Spring 2011: Sustainability and heritage, The Getty Conservation Institute2011CLICK HERE
De Silva, Megan, and Jane Henderson‘Sustainability in conservation practice.’Journal of the Institute of Conservation 34, no. 12011
Sarah Staniforth‘Slow Conservation’Studies in Conservation. Vol. 55, No. 2, 60 YEARS OF IIC 1950-20102010CLICK HERE
Picot, A., and N. Palmade-Le Dantec‘Le produit chimique : un outil courant dans le domaine de la conservation restauration des biens culturels mais aux risques variés’ (The chemical: a common tool in conservation but with various risks)Proceedings of the colloquium «Conservation-Restauration et sécurité des personnes», 3-5 février 2010, Draguignan2010CLICK HERE
Silence, P.‘How are US Conservators Going Green?: Results of Polling AIC Members.’Studies in Conservation: The journal of the international institute for conservation of historic and artistic works, 55(3)2010
Barbaro, S., Raimondi, T.‘Activity of the CIRIAS as regards energy and environment’Conservation Science in Cultural Heritage, Vol 92009CLICK HERE
Garrard, G‘Chapter 1: The ability to investigate cultural artefacts from an ecological perspective’Stibbe, A. (Ed.). The Handbook of Sustainability Literacy: Skills for a changing world. 2nd ed. Devon: Green Books2009
Saunders, DavidClimate Change and Museum CollectionsStudies in Conservation (2008) 532008
Podany, Jerry, Henry, Michael C., Cassar, May, Staniforth, Sarah, Serota, Nicholas, Sabbioni, Cristina and Reilly, James M.Climate Change and Museum CollectionsStudies in Conservation (2008) 532008
Tedone, Melissa, Karen Pavelka, Snowden BeckerFrom gray areas to green areas: developing sustainable practices in preservation environments: symposium papersKilgarlin Center for Preservation of the Cultural Record, School of Information, the University of Texas at Austin2008CLICK HERE
Elizabeth Pye and Dean Sully‘Evolving Challenges, Developing Skills’The Conservator 302007CLICK HERE
Kerski, J., Ross, S.The essentials of... The Environment. London: Hodder Arnold2005
Moncada Io Giudice, G.‘On sustainable development problems, also according to the world summit in Johannesburg’Conservation Science in Cultural Heritage, Vol 22002CLICK HERE
Pickard, R.European Cultural Heritage Volume II: A review of Policies and Practice. 2nd ed. Strasbourg: Council of Europe2002
Bergin, M., and A. Russell‘Organic Solvent Impacts on Tropospheric Air Pollution’Environmental Impact of Solvents, 1150-12002001
Roy, W.R.‘The Environmental Fate and Movement of Organic Solvents in Water, Soil and Air’Environmental Impact of Solvents, 1150-12002001
Anastas, P. T., and J. C. Warner‘12 Principles of Green Chemistry - American Chemical Society’Green Chemistry: Theory and Practice. Oxford University Press, 301998CLICK HERE
Mackenzie, D.Green Design: Design for the Environment, 2nd ed. London: Laurence King1997
Rossmoore, H.W.‘Biodeterioration and Biodegradation 8’International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium, 611. Canada: Elsevier Applied Science1990
David Suzuki Foundation‘ “The Dirty Dozen” Cosmetic Chemicals to Avoid’CLICK HERE
Christina Brooks and Dana Goodburn-Brown‘A Green Guide to Sustainable Practice in Conservation’(paper presented at Green)
David Suzuki Foundation‘ “The Dirty Dozen” Cosmetic Chemicals to Avoid’CLICK HERE
Christina Brooks and Dana Goodburn-Brown‘A Green Guide to Sustainable Practice in Conservation’(paper presented at Green)